
An evolution of Open P2P Design, OpenMetaDesign is a program that informs Research through Design initiatives for design practice, research and education for the meta-design of open, collaborative and distributed processes. This framework is based on four dimensions: conceptual (the philosophy and its context), data (an ontology of design processes), design (the visualization and design of designing processes) and software (the connection between the ontology and the visualization, the data and design).

OpenMetaDesign is also then encoded in a digital platform that enable multiple actors to collaboratively design and discuss collaborative design processes in realtime. A free/open source software written in Javascript, it represents one of the four dimensions of the OpenMetaDesign framework and it encodes all of them into a working artifact that is openly available and already configured for deployment on GitHub here.

OpenMetaDesign was developed during Massimo Menichinelli's doctorate at Aalto University - School of Arts, Design and Architecture - Department of Media - Aalto Media Lab. See here below the video and the slides of the doctoral defense, download here the dissertation. Press release is here.